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June 1863.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 16th.[[/underlined]] My son Burd came to see us toward evening with my grand Daughter Burdie. his mother & Emma had not yet returned home. Linnoars two daughters called Louisia & Mary. Mrs. & Miss Frael, Emma, Clarra & Albert went to the Blind Apetan Concert this afternoon with me, took nearer seats to see more perfectly I was much pleased with the music. we then went through the rooms to see the girls at work and admire their various fabricks, it is most wonderful how perfectly, correct they do their work.
[[underlined]] Thursday 17. [[/underlined]] We leave Emma here to go to Potte. perhaps tomorrow, Mrs. Peale & I to go to Holmesburg, we got in the Frankford Carrs and had a delightful ride to Frankford where Burd met us in a carriage and got to Holmesburg in good time for dinner  Burd, May, Burdie, & Lora are all well, but Mrs. Mc.Burney is very sick, and I fear is in a bad condition, she is taking small doses of Arsenic, looks very pale. Rode out with Burd after dinner. 
[[underlined]] Friday 18. [[/underlined]] Burd us a beautiful ride on the Penepack and visited the Shovel & Spade factory of Roland. where I was highly gratified with whole process of manufactory of these articles which is very complete.
Holmesburgh is quite a handsome place as a village
[[underlined]] Saturday 19. [[/underlined]] got a letter last evening from Mary saying she expected to leave New York on Tuesday next. After dinner we took the Trenton Carrs and had a pleasant ride, found Charles's family all well
[[underlined]] Sunday 20.[[/underlined]] spent the day at home, until the evening, called at Colemans took tea there.
[[underlined]] Monday 21st. [[/underlined]] varnished the Apples &c. after dinner Anna Sellars called, and I went to Mill Bank with her in the carrs to the Burd Assylim when we went in their Carriage which was sent to meet us. Nancy and Hannah were very glad to see me &c.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 22.[[/underlined]] John Sellers & James called to see me after dinner Anna took me in the Carriage to John Sellers, he has a fine large substantial stone house & handsomely furnished the lawn in front varied with ornamental trees &c. The kitchen garden quite extensive & well kept. a fine substancial stone barn, beautifully filled up for 4 or 5 horses, the manger troughs & all woodwork within the reach of the horses covered with zinc, the rods of the hay racks are of iron rods &c. water led into the barn, and