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July 4th 1863
Address of Prest. Lincocoln  The army eulogized.
Baltimore July 4 1863 Reports is entirely reliable from the battle field, down to six oclock last evening represent the rebels repeatedly repulsed with fearful slaughter. The battle lasted all day. 7,000 prisoners were captured. The rebel Genl. Armstead was captured yesterday. The Union Men are having a merry time rejoicing over the success of the Army of the Potomac. Coll. Tayler of West Chester [[underlined]] Brother of Baylard Taylor [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] was killed.[[/underline]]
[[underlined]] Sunday 5.[[/underlined]] I has been raining all the morning. 
[[left margin note]] [[?]] [[/margin]]
The Black Cow dropped a calf this morning.
Mr. Clemens and James Patterson came down this afternoon. Mr. C has just came from the Western Armey, they say that Lees Army is completely surrounded by the Union Armey and that one brigade volunterily surrendered as prisoners of war. Edward went this evening to S. Haven to hear what news had arrived by the Carrs. The Telegraph dispatch from Gen. Lee to Gen. Crouch says that we have taken 25,000 prisoners and 116 Cannon, that the Rebels have scattered among the mountains in confusion, their retreat being cut off, and our city troops & Malitia are arriving by thousands in accordance to the last call of the Govenor to protect the State. If this news is true it will cause great rejoicing. Tomorrow's papers no doubt will give the particulars.
67°. calm rain all the morning. 72°. calm clo 10. 69°. calm clo 10.
[[underlined]] Monday 6.[[/underlined]] I have worked in the garden all day. had Mrs. Try to help me. I wed all the onion bed, and the flower bed in front of the house, Mrs. T. wed the Parsnips & Rhubarb &c. I planted out Cabbage. Edward & Mrs. Hubley went home in their carriage soon after breakefast. Mr. Hubley went in the Carrs. also. Mary & Miss Louisia Hayse went to Potte. at noon in the Carrs from S. Haven.
John took the pailings & stuff from the front 
Edward & George made a gate at his front door and took up the old posts
66°. calm clo 10. 74°. calm s clo 8 s e. 70°. calm clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 7th.[[/underlined]] I have worked all day in the garden Mrs. Try to help me got the greater part of the weeds out. The ground in fine order to weed. Planted The 3d. row of celery.