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July 1863.
Mrs. Peale, Louisia & Fanny and A. E. Hubley went to Benny Potts to tea. Edward went this afternoon to Pott. has not yet returned home. 9 1/2 just got home says that Lees Army have surrendered, and that Wicksburg has also surrendered, the particulars we my get tomory 
66°. calm, mist. 79°. calm s e clo 10 s e. 72°. calm clo 5 s w.
[[underlined]] Wedensday 8.[[/underlined]] I [[strikethrough]] worked [[/strikethrough]] painted all day although the day was very dark and rainy. The grape piece that I commenced at Phila. giving it a second coat. 
N. 90.
Edward went this afternoon to Reading and this evening he & Edward Hubley came back. They say the news that came last night is confermed and great rejoicing in all the loyal cities to the east.
71° calm rain 70°. calm rain until sunset and commenced to clear up from the west. 68°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 9. [[/underlined]] Mrs. Peale, Edward Hubley & I went to Potte. in the carriage. I took to S.H. 2 watering pots, milk bucket & soldering Iron to be repaired. Dined at James Pattersons. met on our way up met Lydia, Emma, Mary Eliza & her friend coming down to see us.
In the afternoon Mary went to the camp and brought from it a sick soldier and took him to the Hospital up Mahantongo Street to be better attended to than in the camp. Then Mrs. Peale, Mary, Edward Hubley & I came home by dusk. I went over to B. Bannans Garden, to get Egg Plants they had none, got mixed grass seed &c..
66°. calm clear. -. clear. shower toward night. 72°. calm s e clo e.
[[underlined]] Friday 10. [[/underlined]] I have been very unwell all day, scarecely able to be about, perfectly languid in the afternoon felt much better.
This evening got a letter from Charles saying they are all well & missed us very much on our leaving Phila. And that Misss. Sellers stopped the works to give the hands a chance to form a Company, which they did. Then left on last monday for Harrisburg 84 strong. The Misss. Sellers gave each man $20 bounty and $13 per week while they are absent. 
James & Flora Patterson, Thomas & Lewis Walker dined with us at Edwards. I planted the flowers got yesterday from Matilda.
69° calm clo 9 e. 75°. calm clo 9 n e, 71°. calm clo 3.