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July 1863  
[[underlined]] Saturday 11th. [[/underlined]] I have worked the greater part of the day in the garden, planted Cabbage & Cayenne Pepper and cleaned up around the house etc.
Edward, Louisia, Edward & A. E. Hubley went to Potte. in the carriage this morning to spend the day. George took a load of Hay Mr. Shelly at Potte. and then took Wormcassils Hay in for him out of his field.
70°. calm, clo 10. 83°. s w clo 9 n. w. 76°. calm, clo 10.
[[underlined]] Sunday 12. [[/underlined]] We have had no company today. Mary Louisia & A.E. Hubley went this morning to church. There being no service in ours, they went to Mr. Wolfs church, and a stranger preached.
72°. calm, dence fog. 87°. calm s e rain. 71° calm s clo 10. Th. & lightning
[[underlined] Monday 13. [[/underlined]] I have spent this day in looking over my papers and arranging them as it has been a rainy day.
Mrs. Peale, Louisia & A.E. Hubley went to S. Haven this morning and then to the Landing got sugar &c. Edward went to Potte. got home this evening.
[[underlined]] Leah Aukey [[/underlined]] commenced this evening as maid at $7. per week.
Mary commenced to paint on her small Partridge piece, which she began last year. 
Rained very hard all night, thunder very loud &c.
68°. calm n e clo 10 a little fog. 75° s e rain. 71° s e rain.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 14. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 90 and in the afternoon worked in the garden.
Got a letter from Burd saying that May was was confined on
Edward sent 4 loads of Hay to S. Haven for Hexherville
67°. calm e misty rain. 76°. calm clo 10 n w. 75°. calm clo 9 s.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 15. [[/underlined]] George took a large load of Hay to S. H: for Hexherville. I pasted up Marys Raspberry Jam and attended to other matters
Albert and Clarra came from Phila. in the morning train. A.E. Hubley went home this afternoon, her Grandmother was very sick and sent up for Mrs. H. to go down, and A.E. was wanted at the farm to keep house for her Father & brother. 
This afternoon James, Matilda & several of their children came down. Frederic Patterson came on horseback. Miss Martha Bannan & a gentleman came.