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128    December 1863.
[[underlined]] Thursday 3.[[/underlined]] I commenced a Partridge Piece this morning for Joseph Patterson, the back ground is a view up the Juniatta river from Waber. I dead colloured the skey and ground. N. 96.
Lydia, Stewarts wife & Fredericks wife spent the day with us.
[[left margin note]] killed. [[/left margin note]] Killed three large Hogs & dressed the meat. 
Thrashing Rye straw & baling it by horse power all day. Got a letter from May saying that Burd is sick with Pluricey.
29°. calm, clear. 47°. calm clo 9 w. 31°. calm e clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 4.[[/underlined]] Mary went this morning to assist May in nursing Burd as May was not strong enough. I mixed green paint for Louisia to paint the flower stand in her parlour, she also [[?]] a coat to her window shutters near the flowers. Emeric begun to whitewash the end of this house took down the upper scaffeld.
I worked all the afternoon in paveing before the Porch also finished the first coat of paint on the porch. 
Took my painting apporatus this morning to Marys Studio to paint there while she is absent.
29°. calm, clo 1 w. 50°. calm s w, clo 2 s w. 43°. calm e, clear.
[[underlined]] Saturday 5.[[/underlined]] I have worked nearly all day out of doors, finished laying the pavement in front, cleaned up a good deal and Mrs. Peale took in all the shaveings, old laths and and a vast quantity of kindling &c.
Put a pair of hinges on a box for Luisia, also a lock of the garret door also a lock on Mary's studio door west end.
Mixed green paint for Louisia to paint window shutters & flower-pots &c.
They have finished thrashing the Rye, and sent a large load of the baled straw to the Poor-house at $12 as E. had noplace to store it, all being full.
42°. calm, clo 2 s w. 56°. calm s w. 45. calm s w. clo clo 8, s w.
[[underlined]] Sunday 6.[[/underlined]] This has been the coldest day we have had of cours no company.
24°. calm, clear. 33°. calm n e clear. 27°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 6.[[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 96. Put a mortice lock on Marys glass door. Mixed more green paint for Louesia's shutters
got a letter from May dated 4th. saying that Mary arrived that afternoon and that Burd is better that the crisis is passed &c.