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130.   December 16. 1863.
we found all as we left excipt the house very cold and desolate, I soon made fires to air the house. I brought home a Pheasant to mount for Mr. Womildorf 
__. 33­­°. calm, e, clear. 32°. calm, e, clo 9. 
 [[underlined]] Thursday 17. [[/underlined]] After getting the fires in order I commenced the Pheasant that I brought from Potte. yesterday after getting the tools & materials, I skinned it & poisened it ready for mounting. We had the meat cooked for supper, it was very nice.
   The weathere has been very unpleasant all day rain & hail, the trees are loaded with ice so that the Turkeys could scarcely get to roost on them. 
37°. n e hail. 32°. n e commenced to rain. 33°. n e, rain. 
 [[underlined]] Friday 18.[[/underlined]] I mounted the Pheasant that I skinned yesterday. Mixed white and Lead-coloured Paint for Louisia. Miss Levan got a letter from Mary saying that she would be coming home in a few days. 
   This day has been quite pleasant, it rained during the night and cleared up by sunrise. 
   Todays paper says that one of our gunboats recaptured the steamer Chesapeak that was captured by the passengers from the south and took her to a Canadian port, they all escaped but 3 of the crooe. 
36°. calm, clo 4 s w. 39°. w clo 3 w. 31°. n w clo 5. n w. 
 [[underlined]] Saturday 19.[[/underlined]] This morning I dressed up the feathers of the Pheasant that I mounted yesterday. Painted on N.93. 94 & 96. only retouching the two first. 
26°. n w, clo 5 w. 31°. n w, clo 9 w. 22°. n w, clo 4 n w. 
[[underlined]] Sunday 20.[[/underlined]] The day has been very unpleasant the wind from the north west and a sprinkling of snow occasionly, but few persons have passed, all nature seems to be asleep today.
21°. n w clo 2 n w. 26°. n w sprinkle of snow. 25°. n w clo 5. n w. 
[[underlined]] Monday 21.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 96. mixed a pot of lead-coloured paint for Mary's window shutters for the first coat, they are to be painted green. 
21°. w clo 8 w. 30°. w clo 9. 26°. w clo 10. w.
  [[underlined]] Tuesday 22.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N 96. 
25°. calm s e, clo 10 s e. 33°. s e. clo 9. calm. 25°. calm e clo 2 n w. 
  [[underlined]] Wednesday 23d.[[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 96. Mrs. Benny Pott, child and nurse spent the day with Louesia. got a letter from Mary & from D. Lassing. 
13°. calm n w, clo 2 n w. 24°. n w clear. 18°. calm clear.