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135  January 1864.
[[underlined]] Saturday 9th. [[/underlined]] Mary retouched N. 96. she much improved it. Mrs. Peale last night was quite unwell. Today she is pritty well. I commenced to make a packing case for Mr. Bests pictures, it was too late to finish it.
9˚. calm s w. clear. 16˚. n w. clear. 11˚. n w, clear. 
[[underlined]] Sunday 10th. [[/underlined]] We have had a quiet day, no company. Edward and Louisia took supper at Benny Potts.
[[left margin note]] cold [[/margin note]] 3˚. calm, clear. 28˚. calm w. clear. 15˚. calm clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 11th. [[/underlined]] I finished the packing box and enclosed Mrs. & Miss Bast's portraits and Mr. Levan will take it up to Ashland with him. tomorrow. Mr. Levan sat to Mary this morning for the last time. I painted a part of the day on N. 96 and finished it.
8˚. calm, clear. 31˚. calm, n w. clear. 21˚. calm w. clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 12th. [[/underlined]] I made a stand in the kitchen for the water buckets, repaired the moveable seat of the carriage &c. 
Mrs. Graeff sat this morning to Mary.
Edward & Louisia went this afternoon to Potte. got home to supper
[[left margin note]] cold [[/margin note]] 2˚. calm, clear. 30˚. calm, clear. 15˚. calm w, clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 13. [[/underlined]] Fanny sat to Mary this morning. I mounted a photograf of Fanny Harrald, (she married Mr. Randal of Philadelphia.)
Mrs. Peale is not very well this evening.
[[dash underlined]] Our new maid [[/dash underlined]] [[underlined]] Julia Maddon [[/underlined]] came from Potte. this afternoon in the carrs, Edward went to the Landing & brought her here.
10˚. calm, clo 8. 31˚. calm, clo 9. 19˚. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 14. [[/underlined]] This has been another blank day with me, the canvas didnot come from Phila. Mary wrote to urge Mr. [[?]] to send it at once. Fanny sat to Mary this morning. Edward this afternoon took his Mother, Mary, Louisia and Fanny to S. Haven. Mrs. Shannan is confined to her bed, with imflemation of the lungs, they took the Diver that I mounted to Catherine Levan, she was much pleased with it. I have been reading a great part of the day, the newspaper and [[dash underlined]] letters from Italy [[/dash underlined]].
8˚ calm, clear. 32˚ calm, clo 2 30˚ calm, clo 9 s w.
[[underlined]] Friday 15 [[/underlined]] I gave the studio window-shutters one coat of lead colour as priming for the green coat. Edward took his Mother and Louisia to the Carrs to go to Potte. Louisia came to S. Haven in the afternoon train to S. H. left Mrs. Peale in Potte.
31°. e, snow 30°. w Hazy. 38°. w ,clo 9 w.

Transcription Notes:
Diver = Diver duck