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August 22 1864.
We had quite a smart shower toward evening.
69°. calm s e mist clo 10.  82°. s w clo 4 s w.  69° [[?]] clo 2.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 23.[[/underlined]]  Mrs. Peale has not improved any, she is extremely weak.  Dr. Carpenter came with Dr. Shannan this afternoon in consultation.
Eddy Patterson brought down Miss Valentine and my niece Mrs. Springer and Daughter came with Miss Halverstat.  [[dash underlined]] Garry Lawrence [[/dash underlined]] came this morning.
Charles left us this afternoon for Phila.
Edward has brought from the Carrs 3 loads of water Pipes today, the trench is proceeding for them.
I have not been over smart today.
66°. calm fog clo 3 s w. 79°. s w clo 3 w.  69° calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 24.[[/underlined]]  Mrs. Peale is much the same as she was yesterday afternoon.  I am rather better for takeing my medicine this morning.
Lydia came this morning to see Mrs. P. also James and Matilda, they didnot stay to dine with us.
Mrs. Try and [[Saran?]] has taken my place with Mrs. P.  I therefore kept myself very quiet by reading.
64° calm fog & smoke, clo 2 s w.  84°. s w smokey clo 4 n w.  74°. calm, nearly clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 25.[[/underlined]]  Mrs. Peale was much the same as yesterday until this afternoon, when she was seased with much pain in her bowels but was soon releaved by medacine, she recovered of it before the Dr. came. 
Edward went to Potte. this morning and brought down Mr. H. Hawley to level the trench for the water pipes, he found it all rightly done, Louisia took him to the carrs at S. Haven this afternoon.
78°. calm, dence fog.  87°. s w clo 4 w.  76°. calm clo 5 s w.
[[underlined]] Friday 26.[[/underlined]]  Mrs. Peale is no better and very weak.  
Fanny was quite unwell this morning but is quite smart this evening.
Miss Sarah Levan came this morning with baskets &c to gather Elderberries for wine, but found them not ripe enough.  Mrs. Griffith & daughter, Miss Levan and friend &c.
Edward used the subsoil plow to deepen the trench.  The loose earth was then shovelled out.
69°. calm, clear.  78°. calm s w clo 5.  71°. calm, clear.