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October 1.1864
Today I made out a list of all the Pictures in the parlour, entry and my studio for the purpose of deciding their destination.
Edward has been in bed all day, Dr. Shannan gave him medicine, he is better this evening.
This has been a very unpleasant day a n e rain
50° s e clo 10 s e.  55° w clo 9 w.  54° s e rain.
[[underlined]]Sunday 2.[[/underlined]]  As it has been a rainy day Mary and I have been arrangeing the various papers and letters &c.
52° n e rain 58° n e clo 10 n e.  59° calm, clo 10-
[[underlined]]Monday 3.[[/underlined]]  I have been engaged all day in arranging for packing up the picturs to take to Philada. &c.  
Presented Miss Sarah Levan the watermellan Pic N. 103.
56° calm s e, clo 10 e.  60° s e clo 10.  59° calm, clo 10.
[[underlined]]Tuesday 4.[[/underlined]]  I saldered several articles of repaired tins &c. and buisy in packing and arrangeing about the house.  finished the [[?]] for Mr. Womeldorf, the accents.
  Sarah & Mrs. [[strikethrough]]Levan[[/strikethrough]] Huntsinger came this morning to assist Mary and went home at dusk they packed up the China &c.
57° calm fog.  _____.  64° calm, clo 3.  
[[underlined]]Wednesday 5.[[/underlined]]  I have been all day engaged in packing up pictures and other articles to take to Philadelphia, [[underlined]] directed to R. Peale 514 Walnut, Phil.[[/underlined]]  To board with Mrs. Thorn with 3 rooms.
60° calm, clo 9 n w. ____.  65° calm e clo 10.
[[underlined]]Thursday 6.[[/underlined]]  I have been all day arrangeing the pictures that are to remain here, packed up Marys large chair.
Edward and Mary went to Pott. this morning and returned late this evening, had some repair to the carriage which detained him.
Joseph Patterson sent me by him $60. for the Pheasant piece.
61° calm n e rain.  68° calm, clo 10 s e.  70° calm sw, clo 9 sw.
[[underlined]]Friday 7[[/underlined]]  I have been packing pictures the greater part of the day, this afternoon Mary and I went up the turnpike and took sketches for a Landscape for Mrs. Towers.  Catharine Levan accompanied us.  called at Dr. Shannan's for his mothers Portrait for Mary to Coppey for his brother.
Took the watermellon piece to Sarah Levan by the