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Philadelphia October 1864.
Studio, Geo. commenced takeing up the Potatoes it begun to rain about noon having got 50 bushels out.  brought in the garden tools for the winter &c &c.
[[strikethrough]]45° calm dence fog, clear.[[/strikethrough]] 38° calm, clo 8 s w. begun to rain about noon.  48°  calm n e, rain.  45° calm dence fog, clear.
[[underlined]]Thursday 15.[[/underlined]] I finished packing up my trunk this morning and Edward took me to the carrs 20 minutes to 8.  I met brother George in them.  I had a pleasant journey, [[Mr. Korsam?]] came to me and said my son Charles had come to [[strikethrough]][[meat?]][[/strikethrough]] meet me, so I went and dined with him found them all well except Clarra who's throat is not yet well, after dinner Albert came in the carrs with me to No. 514 Walnut Street, [[strikethrough]] [[she?]] [[/strikethrough]] Mary had just finished fixing the furniture she was much fatigued, Emma Patterson is quite well [[found?]] [[M. Farel?]] here he having the room adjoining mine.  Then Charles came and then the Miss Thorps.  I unpacked my trunk but didnot arrange my things.
44° calm w clear _____ 45° calm w, clear.
[[underlined]]Friday 16th.[[/underlined]]  Mary went at 11 oclock to Holmesburg to see Burd and May, she being rather worse, by his note of yesterday.  The carrs leave here for Holmesburg at 7/15. __ 9 __ 11/15 __  2 1/2 P.M. __ 5 P.M. __ 5,45 P.M. & 8 P.M.
I called to see [[Mr. Sully?]] soon after breakfast before he became engaged in his painting, he as well as his lady are well and glad to see me.  Called at the Bank to see James Peale there.  Brother George called this morning and introduced to me Mr. Lee and again in the afternoon with Frederick, Eddy Patterson also called.  Charles and Harriet spent this evening with us.  Mary returned from Holmesburg, she found May very ill and left her under the influence of morphium.  
I purchases of tools &c.
44° n w clo 7 n w.  ____.  46° calm n w, clear.
[[underlined]]Saturday 17.[[/underlined]]  I have trimmed up and cleaned and put new earth to fill up the flower potts &c.  Put shelves in the parlour closet and arranged many things hung a few pictures &c.
46°  calm w clear.  60° calm w clo 3 w.  57° calm, clear.
[[underlined]]Sunday 18.[[/underlined]]  I took a warm bath before sunrise this morning.  Spent the morning in reading and arrangeing my paints while Mary & Emma were at church.  This afternoon I went to James Peales, he was out with with one of his grand children, [[?]].  [[?]]