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139.    February 1864.
[[double underlined]] Monday February 1st. 1864. [[/double underlined]] I painted all day on N. 98. Mrs. Atwood went to Potte. at noon today Edward took her to S. Haven. It rained nearly all day which made it too dark to paint much.
33°. rain n e. 38°. calm n e, clo 10. 40° calm, clo 10. 
[[underlined]] Tuesday 2.[[/underlined]] I was requested by Mary to make a packing case, I made it but found it too small, so I made another and packed her coppey of the white watermellon for Mrs. Atwood to coppey when she goes home, and a fruit piece which Mary presented to her, also. the small picture of Titians model and Mrs. A's coppey which she begun here for a fair for the benefit of the soldiers &c. This has taken me all day as I had to hunt up stuff to make them with. Mary finished her coppey this morning befor I packed the pictures up.
36°. calm, clo 9 s w. 45°. w. clo 9 w. 37°. calm e, clo 5 s e. 
[[underlined]] Wednesday 3.[[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 98. Glazed a sash for the colt stable door. assisted Mary in preparing for her departure to Phila. She arranged the pots of Ivey in my studio, I packed up her box of pictures to take with her &c. Got a letter from Burd saying that May is still confined to her bed but was better than she has been, he is immproving and has commenced his practice. 
34°. calm commenced to snow before sunrise and continued till 10. e. 42°. w calm, clo 5 n w. 34°. calm w. clo 9 w. 
[[underlined]] Thursday 4. [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on N. 97. nearly finished the mountains in the distance.
Mary went to Philadelphia by the morning carrs 
Edward Hubley came from Reading at noon today. 
17°. calm, clo 2 w. 41°. s w, clo 9 w. 34°. s e, clo 2. 
[[underlined]] Friday 5. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 97. mixed paint for the tenant-house (lead colour)
Last evening our maid burned her arm and thumb, I magnatized it and this evening she says it is quite well and wouldnot know that it had been burnt. 
24°. calm, clear. 45°. w, clo 5 w. 35°. calm, clo 5 w.
[[underlined]] Saturday 6. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 98.. Edward went this morning to Port Clinton to engage more Hay to bale, as he has a contract for Government, got home this evening. 
37 s e rain. 43°. calm, clo 10. 39°. calm, clo 10.

Transcription Notes:
Name is Burd