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February 1862                
[[underlined]] Friday 19.[[/underlined]] I was all the morning cleaning, triming and fixing the pot plants in the parlour in the afternoon I mended several articles in the kitchen &c. and reading Irvings life & letters.
  All the folks of the other house supped with the Miss Levans Mrs. Peale took charge of Fanny who was very good. Got a letter from Mary saying that May considerably better, and that she would be able to leave her and attend to her studies by Monday next. Mrs. Peale is quite smart this evening as lall day. 
3°. calm, clear. 17°. n w. clear. 12°. calm, clear.
  [[underlined]] Saturday 20.[[/underlined]] I painted all day and finished N. 97. gave it the last touches. 
  Miss Sarah Levan and Mrs. Bast called this afternoon they were pleased with the picture for her son Mr. Bast and sarah said she would like to have hanging up in her parlour jokelingly.
  Our next neighbours went to Benny Potts to Tea.
  Miss Amelia Pott called this afternoon to see Mrs Peale supposing she was comfined to her bed and was much gratified to find her stirring about. She is much better today, but still under the docters care.
5°. calm clear. 35°. calm w. clo 6 w. 25°. calm, clear.
  [[underlined]] Sunday 21 [[/underlined]] this afternoon John Patterson brought his Mother to see Mrs. Peale she had only now learned of her indisposition, was glad to find her setting up in the parlour with us.
Edward & Louisia, A E & Edward Hubley went to church and our new minister officiated
16°. calm, clear. 46°. s e hazy clouds 3. 38°. calm, clo 9 s w.
  [[underlined]] Monday 22d. [[/underlined]] I have been all day in the shop, had to sharpen the saws and chissels and then made two stretching-frames. This morning E. received 3 loads of Hay, and sent of five loads of baled Hay for U.S. at Potte. After dinner, William Deibort called to see how Mrs. Peale was. also Sarah Levan three Ladies came
Mrs. Peale is so much better that she went to Mary's studio with them
[[strikethrough]] 16° [[/strikethrough]] 30°. calm, clo, 4 w. 44°. calm e, clo 10. 43°.  calm e clo 9 sw.
  [[underlined]] Tuesday 23d. [[/underlined]] Edward, Louisia, Fanny, Mrs. Peale an A E Hubley went to S. Haven this morning returned to dinner. Mrs. Peale felt better for the ride, Dr. Shannan gave her 8 poders I suspect them to be calomel, he says in a few days she