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March 1864.                 148
[[underlined]] Thursday 18th.[[/underlined]]  I painted all the morning on N. 99. and after dinner on N. 100.  This [[written over]] [[morning]] [[after rising]] [[/written over]]Edward Hubley brought down Matilda to see Mrs. Peale and if Mrs. Peale had been well enough she would like to have us there as she expected company this evening.
Mrs. Peale I think is rather better today.
Louisia came home at noon from Philadelphia, she had written for Edward to be at the Landing for her, but he hadnot received the letter, so she had to walk through the mud home.
28° w clo 8 w. 40°. w, clo 9 w. 32°. calm s e clear.
[[underlined]] Friday 19. [[/underlined]]  I painted all the morning on N 99 and finished it.  Commenced another Male and Female Pheasant piece N. 101.
Edward took Mrs. Peale and Julia to Potte.  this afternoon she bore the ride well, feeling better than when she left home.
The mare Sally had a bad spell of staggers this afternoon.
Got a letter from Mary saying that May is much better and that Burd is well.
31°. calm s e clo 5 w. 52°. s w clo 2 s w. 46°. s w clo 9 s w.
[[underlined]] Saturday 20. [[/underlined]] I painted all day on N. 101.  Geo. brought a load of coal from St. Clair having taken up a load of hay.  Mrs. Mary Pott spent afternoon with Louisia.
28°. calm w clear. 48°. s w clear.  32°. calm clo 9 w.
[[underlined]] Sunday 2[[0 overwritten by 1]].[[/underlined]] I have spent the day in reading and writing, I being the only one in the house, takeing my meals and sleeping at Edwards.  Mr. and Mrs. Snyder of Orwigsburg dined there today.  The day has been very uncomfortable, wind west and cloudy.  I wrote 8 pages of my letter to Mr. Lessing.
23° calm, white frost, clear.  38°. w clo. 5 w. 27°. w clo 9 s w.
[[underlined]] Monday 22 [[/underlined]]  I painted all day on N. 101.
Edward Louisia & Fanny went this morning to Potte. and brought down A E Hubley, they report Mrs. Peale much better than she was when she left home, she is staying at Brother George's, she has Julia to wate on her and is very comfortabley fixed.  Today I wrote 6  more pages to Mr. Lessing.
17°.  calm, clear. 31°. w, clo 2 s. w. 24°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 22.[[/underlined]]  I painted all day on N. 101.
15°. calm w clear. 32°. w clo 5 w. 26°. [[?]] e clo 10.