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April 28, 1864. and May 1864
went to S. Haven at noon for the papers. Mrs. Peale is rather better today.
[[left margin note]] set a Turkey [[/margin note]] Louisia set a Turkey in the spring lot
She found a Turkey with its leg broke today.
It has been so unpleasant n w wind that I could do nothing out of doors today.
38°. n w, clo 10 n w. 40°. n w, clo 4 n w. 37°. n w clo 5.
[[underlined]] Friday 30. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 100. and in the afternoon worked with Mrs. Donglay in the garden she dug the first bed, and dressed Mrs. Peales strawberry bed. I transplanted the few Triumph DeGrand strawberry plants that survived the winter, to the lower part of the Albany seedlings. 2 first rows to the end of the bed. sowed Carrot seed.
Mrs. Peale has taken cold and brought on conjestion of the kidneys. Dr. Carpenter called this afternoon and will consult with Dr. Shannan this evening. he ordered an injection of flax-seed and turpentine &c.
37°. n w, clo 1 n w. 57°. calm w, clear. 48°. calm, clear.
[[double underlined]] Saturday 31st [[strikethrough]]1st. 1864[[/strikethrough]][[/double underlined]] I have been working in the garden all day, sowed onion, sage, Thyme, planted onion sets, &c. Amelia Pott came this morning from Benny's and Mary Pott, called for her this evening took supper with us. Mrs. Peale seems easy and has kept her bed all day.
40°. calm white frost. fog on the river, clear. 68°. w clo 4 w. 55°. calm s e rain.
[[double underlined]] Sunday May 1st, 1864. [[/double underlined]] Mrs. Peale is rather better today, but has kept her bed all day  in the afternoon Mrs. Frederic Patterson, John, Emma, M. Eliza, Eddy, James and Matilda and some of their children came this afternoon. to see Mrs. Peale, they not knowing how sick she was until Dr. Carpenter told them yesterday. Edward came home tonight.
51°. w. clo 9 w. 61°. n w clo 3 n w. 53°. calm w clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 2d. [[/underlined]] I have been working in the garden nearly all day, dressing the long strawberry bed (Albany [[?]] ) filling up the deficiencys with those I got from Mrs. Walker's aunt. [[smudged ink]] Edw. [[/smudged]]
  Revd. Mr. Pryer, and his Daughter Mrs. Atkins and her four children came this afternoon. He took the picture that Mary painted for him & paid for it. Mrs. Atkins wants several pictures painted
  Mrs. Peale I think is much better today but still in