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October 27, 1864.
50°. calm fog, clo 9 s w. 64°. calm s w, clo 9 s w. 58°. calm clear.
[[underline]]Friday 28.[[/underline]] I got from Mr.Kauz Linseed Oil, S/n. Turpentine White Crayon and Labels for my paint drawer. And Labeled the divisions &c. changed the position of some of the pictures in the parlour &c. The day has been very windy and unpleasant, had much pain in my face & head and uneasing in my chest, better this evening. 60° calm s w, rain in the night. 56°. s w, clo 5 sw. showery during the morning. 58°. calm, clear.
[[underline]]Saturday 29.[[/underline]] I took the brasses of the [[?]] to Mr. [[?]] to have the screws made, then to the cabinet maker to see him begin my glass palate case and stayed until he got it underway and left him to finish it without me and was to have called for it late this afternoon, but I had taken a long walk I did not get home till dusk. called to see Mr. Dixon and arranged to see him wednesday night at 9 oclock, called to see Washington Peale at their establishment and called to see Mr. Cowell corner of chesnut & 7th.
Charles & Harriet called this evening for me to gow with them to see the Desolving [[mispelling of Dissolving]] Views at Concert Hall, they are more beautiful than any I have ever seen much superior to the painted views formerly used. The stationary is beautifully shown
When we came out we saw a part of the Democrat Torch-light Procession. Theadore Patterson and Miss Wolf of Potts took tea with us and spent a part of the evening. Mary had just got home from Holmesburg she found May comfortable but more weak than when we saw her on Wednesday last, Mike McBurney also called this afternoon.
48° calm clear.59°. calm w, clo 3 w. 52°. calm clear.
[[underline]]Sunday 30.[[/underline]] Theadore Patterson was here this morning and stated that when he went last evening to his lodging at the Gerard House, found his clothing all scattered about the bed room and nearly all torn to pieces, after dinner when he went out, he locked the door and deposited the key with the clerk. Mary & Emma went to church morning & afternoon, I called this afternoon to see Mr. Sully & family. Theadore went to Potts. this afternoon.
45°. calm, clear. 60°. calm, clo 2 w. 52°. calm, clear.