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Oct. & November 1864.
[[underline]]Monday 31st. [[/underline]] I got my new Palate case this morning from the cabinet maker, it is neately made and very convenient $3.50. got new screws for Marys Easel $2.
This evening Charles came, and then Frederick and wife. they arrived this evening.
48°. calm, clear. 57°. w clo 3 w. 50°. calm s w, clear.
[[double underline]] Tuesday November 1st.[[/double underline]] I got my painting apparatus all fixed this morning and begun to paint, went over the back-ground of N.104. painted until dinner. The afternoon was occupied in receiving company viz. Franklin, Frederick Palterson & (wife, Lizze). Stewart Patterson, John Cunningham, & Margaret Shippen
48°. calm s w, clear. 48°. s w, clear. 40°. calm n w, clear. 
[[underline]] Wednesday 2d. [[/underline]]. I had made arrangements to be with Mr. Dixon at 9 oclock this morning, but couldnot get there in time, he therefore engaged me to return on Saturday afternoon next. I went to the shoemaker to have a thicker soled boots suitable for the winter slush, and procured a new burner for our oil lamp, after dinner begun to paint but it became cloudy and I had to lay my picture aside.
Harriet Shippen came just before night & spent the evening here.
37°. calm, clo n w. 50°. calm clo 9 s w. 44°. calm w. clear.
[[underline]] Thursday 3. [[/underline]] I have painted the greater part of the day on N.94. put in another back-ground and altered the arrangement of the leaves. This afternoon Lizzie Pattn. and her friend called. Mr. Tho. Sully also called and spent the afternoon with us. he is much pleased with our new home and arrangements &c, I had to wash the brushes after dark. Brother George came this evening.
43°. calm e clo 3 s 52°. calm clo 9 s w. 45°. e drizzling rain. 
[[underline]] Friday 4. [[/underline]] I painted all the morning on N. 94. the day was rather dark to paint much.
This evening the Police paraded in front of our residence in full uniform with guns &c they made a handsome display and perfectly neat & clean, to receive the Returned one hundred day's men Cole. Thomas It was late in the evening therefore couldnot see them to any advantage.
54°. calm rain._____________49°. calm w, clear.