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April 17. 1865.
the Age Office threatening its destruction, but the City Police were on the spot and kept the street clear from 5th. street to the Post office for 2 or 3 hours, it was rumered that a man was killed. and also that the city of Mobile is taken by the U S Army.
Got a letter from Edward & Louisia dated the 15th.
The crowd in Chesnut Street all day has been emince and especially this afternoon. A proclemation from the Mayer requesting the Illumination not to take place at present in consequence of the death of the president.
44°. calm s e, clear. 69°. calm s e, clear. 46°. calm w, clear.
[[left margin note]] Mrs Christie [[/left margin note]] [[underlined]] Tuesday 18. [[/underlined]] I painted a part of the morning on N. 107. Mr. Moran came and painted on Mrs. Christies sunset. present Anna Sellers, Mrs. Christie and Anna Peale, Mary was absent. Burd came and dined with me. Mary painted a little but but was called out & didnot come home until night. Mrs. Christie and Mrs. D'France spent the evening here.
49°. calm s e misty, clo. 10. 73°. calm s w clo 8 s w. 44°. n w. clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 19. [[/underlined]] I went with Mary after breakefast to Independance Hall to return the portrait of Martha Washington which she borrowed to copy, of which she made two. I painted all the morning on No. 107. Mary went to Church. This afternoon Mary and I went in the carr to [[strikethrough]] Moun [[/strikethrough]] Fairmount & round to Green Street and spent the evening at Wm. Pattersons. No. 2026.
55°. calm, clear. 73°. calm s w, clear. 65°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 20. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on No. 107. Charles called this morning also Thomas walker for a few moments, then Brother George, Lydia, Theadore and Emma called.
54°. n e clear. 64°, s e commenced to rain. 51°. n e, clo. 10.
[[underlined]] Friday 21th. [[/underlined]] The day rather dark, I didnot paint any but Mary retouched my fruit piece N. 119. Harriet called today. Eddy Patterson spent the evening here. Williams brought 5 frames I put the pictures in & hung them.
47°. n e, clo 10. 55°. n e clo 10. 50°. n e clo. 10. drizling during the day.
[[underlined]] Saturday 22d. [[/underlined]] This has been a day of great excitement, the funeral of our lamented President Lincon, preparations occupied the greater part of the day, the corpse arrived this afternoon from Harrisburg and it was dark, and although the square was brilliantly illuminated with greek lights each side of the great walk. [[underlined]] Red, Blue & White,[[/underlined]]