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which made a most brilliant appearance and lighed up the whole square & streets near, yet much of the procession was lost to us, the crowd was so dence in walnut street that police could scarcely keep the crowd back.
Mary and I dismantled the from of our chamber, removing the biauro wash stand, plants and every thing from near the windows, put the names of those invited on their seats, yet the eagerness of our friends to see made it difficult for us to get an occasional peep over their heads, &c. It was near 10 oclock before we saw the end of the procession.
Charles, Harriet, Clarra, Miss Hodson, Lydia & Horris slept in our chambers. ___.___.____.
[[underlined]] Sunday 23d [[/underlined]] At 5 oclock this morning we all started to get an opportunity of viewing the corpse, when we got at Chesnut St. a line of [[2 ?]] abreast was formed from the E. [[?]] [[?]] of the State House extending down Chestnut St a great distance, Charles and I got in the procession about opposite the post office, and when the clock struck 6 we begun to move forward, it took us one hour to get as far as the east end of the statehouse, and by the time we got opposite the entrance the crowd was so pressing that Charles gave up the attempt to get in to the Hall and we left. I came home, he joined the ladies and succeeded with much crowding to get a view of the corpse. I have been looking from the front windows most of the day at the emence crowd in the street, and at times it was almost imposible for thouse leaving the hall to get out of the south gate of the square, the police were brought and made a passage open aided by some of the military. in the evening one of our boarders Mr. Moore got permission for Mary and I to enter the back door which gave us a fine opportunity of viewing the corpse and decorations of the Hall, which was totally covered with black cloth except the Statue & portraits of General Washington & wife. I staid one hour and left Mary gazing on the corpse, she intending to paint a portrait of him, she went to Washington expressly to be at his Inauguration, had a fine opportunity of having a good look through the kindness ^ [[insertion]] of [[/insertion]] sister Lucy.
47°. w, clo 4 s w. 57°. w clo 5 w. 44°. calm w, clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 24.[[/underlined]] I commenced a copy of the fruit piece that I painted for Frederick Patterson's wife N. 121. painted on it all the morning. Charles, Emma, Mary eliza, Miss [[Hodson]] Mr. John Shippen and Charlemain Towers, called