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April & May 1865      230
from here to the [[?]] to gen Shermon on the same basis agreed upon between Lee & myself.
Mary, Mrs. Christie & I took supper of oysters & Lobster with Mr. and Mrs. Randal, it being the 9th aniversity of their marriage.
65°. calm s clo 8 s.  76°. s clo 9 sw.  at 4 it begun to rain & continued.  65°. calm s. drizzling rain.
[[underlined]] Sunday 30th.[[/underlined]] As Mary has been at church all day I have been alone and reading. She called at Mr. Tathams and at Dr. Eckert's he is not so well.
Charles this afternoon brought Mr. Rogers from Shamoken to see me, he played and sang most charmingly, they were in a hurry and didnot stay long.
52°. calm w, clear. 68°. calm s w clear.  62°. calm, clear.
[[double underlined]] May 1st.  Monday.[[/double underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 120.
put in the back-ground and leaves only as it rained all the morning.
54°. calm n e rain.  59°. calm e rain.  47°. w, clear.
[[left margin note]] [[Marys]] [[?]] [[/margin note]][[underlined]] Tuesday 2d.[[/underlined]]  Mr. Moran gave me a lesson on my landscape. present Mrs. Hazlington Anna Peale Mrs. Christie, Anna Sellers.
I painted before he came on N. 120.
My niece Mary Peale, Eleanor Jacobs, Sister Harriet, Anna Staughton, came this morning to see us.
Mary and I went to the Academy of Music to Dr. Morten's Lecture on Light, we were highly delighted with the [[strikethrough]] rilliant [[/strikethrough]] brilliant Calsium Lights, shewing a number of handsome experiments with the galvanic battery and a beautiful set of experiments with Red, Yellow, & Blue colours &c. and by a revolving plate of soft steel cutting a file as though it were made of wax, throwing out the particles of the steel file, of great brilliancy, &c.
45°. calm n w, clear.  63°. calm nw clo 8 n.  63°. calm, clo 5 w.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 3.[[/underlined]]  I painted all the morning on N. 120.  
This afternoon, came Mrs. Burt Miss Brook, Miss Fuller, Robert & William Potts, Miss Morris, Theadore Patterson came to see us.  Mary, Theadore & I went to the Academy of Fine Arts.
52°. w clo 5 n w.  68°. w, clo 3 w.  54°. calm. clear.
[[underlined]] Thursday 4th.[[/underlined]]  My Birth-day.  aged 81 years.  I painted from 9 oclock to half past 2. on N. 121.
A handsome boquet was sent to me by some unknown friend. Charles and hariet presented a handsomely ornamented Pound Cake, with my name & age on it.  Franklin, Caroline, Charles, Harriet, Clara, Albert Eleanor Jacobs, Mary Peale spent the evening here