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231.   Phila. May 4th. 1865.
We had a pleasant tea & evening.
I have had the congratulations of my company & a number of our boarders with their good wishes &c. 
48°. calm w clear. 70°. calm w. clo 3. 63°. calm, drizzle.
[[underlined]] Friay 5. [[/underlined]] I painted the greater part of the day on no. 121, principally on the grapes. 
I am much better today than yesterday, had feever last night. Mary got several Photographs today from sister Lucy of President Lincon to assist her in painting the portrait. 
57°. calm w clo 3. 73°. calm s, clear. 69°. calm, clo 3. s.
[[underlined]] Saturday 6. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N 121. & N. 94. Burd came this morning and Mary and I went home with him this afternoon in the carrs.
[[underlined]] Sunday 7. [[/underlined]] We went to Church this morning, I think about 60 went to the communion tables.  
In the afternoon Mary went with Burd to a small village in the neighbourhood called germantown, Burdie and I took a long walk.
[[underlined]] Monday 8. [[/underlined]] We left Holmesburg at 9 oclock and got home as our boarders were leaving the breakefast table. I painted a part of the morning on N. 94. 
Mr. Robert Potts called, engaged Marys Hamburg Grape piece and my Malaga grape piece (instead of the one I was painting for him) to match Marys. 
Mary and I went to Francis Hubley's and took tea there. 
___. 78°. calm, clo 3. s w. 70°. calm, rain s w.
[[left margin note]] [[Anna]] [[?]] [[/margin note]] [[underlined]] Tuesday 9. [[/underlined]] I painted until Mr. Moran came on N. 124.  Present was Anna Peale Mrs. Christie and Lou. Peale who brought Anna Sellers paints & brushes, she couldnot leave home. Mrs. Oglvie called and [[abs? also?]] Charles.
Mrs. Christie and Mary went this evening to the Academy. 
71°. calm s w drizzling rain. 58°. n e rain. 59°. calm, clo 10.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 10. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 121. Mrs. Ludden brought Burdie to see us this morning, she was much dissapointed that Fanny didnot come. 
This evening Edward, Louisia & Fanny came and, then went to West Phila. Mr. William Brindle spent the evening here. 
58°. calm n e clo 3 w. 67°. s e clo 10. 60°. s e clo 10.
[[underlined]] Thursday 11. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning, begun a plate of Peaches for Mr. Robert Potts N. 122. Edward, Louisia & Fanny came this morning from