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Newark, they came from the Farm to Reading then crossed to the country to Newark N.J. Charles called this morning.
Mary & Mrs. Christie went to New York at 2 oclock today. 
The three Miss Stoddards left us after dinner to board at the corner of 7th. and Vine St. (N.E. corner.)
Louisia & Fanny went out to Miss Hubleys & didnot return 
Edward took tea here, & will ledge.
64°. calm, clo 10. 78°. calm s clo 9 s w. heavey shower this afternoon & tonight with thunder and lightning. 69°. rain.
[[underlined]] Friday 12. [[/underlined]] Last evening the storm raged mst terribly in the upper part of the City Fair mount Park suffered much, and the tornado unroofed nearly 30 houses & in many instances the walls were thrown down and fortunately no lives were lost. A large tree was blown in Independan square. Edward went this morning to Holmesburg to see Burd, and expects to return tomorrow morning. Harriet called this afternoon, Louisia & Fanny came this evening to stay with me until Mary returns from N. York.
I have painted all the morning on N. 121. and varnished 2 or 3 pictures.
47°. calm n w. rain. 58°. s w clear. 56°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Saturday 13. [[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 121 & 122. got a letter from Mary.
Edward & Louisia & Fanny came and prevailed on me to go to W. Phila. in the afternoon which I dad with them found Mr. Hubley much the same as I last saw him.
[[underlined]] Sunday 14th. [[/underlined]] Went to the catholic Church near Mr. Huby. to see the ceremonies of a funeral, but I couldnot hear a single word that was said. The funeral procession then moved, about 6 omnibuses preceeded the herse, they were filled by men in black, a good many carriages followed the corpse. In the afternoon Edward, Louisia Ann Elizabeth and I took a walk in the neighbourhood to see some splended houses with beautiful gardens in front  Dr. Huson called to see Mr. Hubleys eyes and gives him incouragement, but I have very little hopes of his recovery of his sight. He told us of the capture of Jeff Davis.
[[underlined]] Monday 15th. [[/underlined]] After breakefast, Edward, Louisia & I came home with me, they then went out to attend to business, and came in the evening again.
I sketched in the large bunch of Black Hamburg Grapes to match my Malaga bunch that I painted for Mr. Potts.