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125   May 26. 1865
his Father presented to him costing about $12,000  after dinner Lydia took Harriet and I over to see Stewart Pattersons family across the river to Bridgeport, he has purchased a large building (formerly a straw hat manufactory) which he has divided and made two handsome and convinient houses, one he resides in & the other to let, he has 10 acres of ground attached  the view from the 3d. story is very extensive & beautiful looking over Norristown &c.  We took tea with them. on our return we rade through the upper part of Norristown, I was much surprised to find so many handsome and fine houses with large yards & gardens.
[[underlined]] Saturday 27. [[/underlined]] Theadore went with me to see and young Seal (Sea Dog) which was shot in the Schuylkill a few days since, it is stuffed by a Jeweller Mr. [[section left blank]] he has quite a collection of birds mounted by himself. 
Harriet & I left Norristown at half past five this afternoon, I went home with her and took tea and Albert accompanied me home, to stay all night. 
Mary returned from Washington last evening. 
And went out to Norristown this afternoon, expecting me to remain thence over sunday.
___. ___. 56°. calm, rain since dark.
[[underlined]] Sunday 28. [[/underlined]] Albert went home before breakefast, Miss Sarah Levan spent anour or two here this afternoon her nephew Robert was with her. She was sorry that she couldnot go to Norristown with Mary yesterday.
55°. calm drizling. 64°. n e clo 10. 60°. calm, clo 9.
[[underlined]] Monday 29. [[/underlined]] Mary came from Washington this morning early, she was delighted with her visit, I am glad that she went, for I suppos she will never see such a display of soldiers again.
I painted all the morning on N 124. 
Louisia called this afternoon. 
Edward went to New York this morning and returned late this afternoon
The cabinet maker finished the folding Easel this morning it answers very well. and took the revolutionary one to repair & clean for Mary, my Father made it [[insertion]] for Rembrandt [[/insertion]] when he first went to Philada. and [[strikethrough]] used it till his death and then [[/strikethrough]] Rembrandt until his death, then Harriet gave it to Mary.
Ann Eliza Hubley called this evening with Louisia.