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March 1865.
[[underlined]] Sunday 5.[[/underlined]] This afternoon Anna and Emma accompanied  me to Mr. Sully's spent a pleasant time with them. Mr. William Levan spent the evening here.
32° n e clear. 40°. calm hazy clo. 32°. calm n w clear.
[[underlined]] Monday 6.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N 116. Mrs. G. Thathem called this afternoon.
Mr. Letell called to see Mary this morning and enquired if she had been able to get a photograph of somebody.
26°. calm e clear. 43° n w clear. 36°. calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Tuesday 7th.[[/underlined]] Last evening there was a torch-light procession past here but I was in bed I only say the brilliant light on seeling, especially the bright red light that was thrown out from the smoke pipe of the Fire Engine I painted a part of the morning before Mr. Moran came on N. 117. Anna Sellers, Anna Peale & Mrs. Cristy were present. Mrs. Hazelton, Brother George & Lydia came about 2 oclock.
Charles & Hariet spent the evening here. Louisia came this afternoon, and took a bundle to the Express office for Edward who went home yesterday.
I got a letter from Mary of 8 pages dated Washington March 4 & 5th. she is highly delighted with her visit.
33° calm, clear. 54°. calm clo 3 w. 45° calm, clear.
[[underlined]] Wednesday 8.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 117. Louisia and Fanny came about 2 oclock, Burd came also, towards evening Louisia & Fanny went home. [[strikethrough]] This morning got[[/strikethrough]] no sign of Mary.
48°. calm s w fog clo 3 s w. 63°. calm s w clo 3 s w. 55°. calm, clo 10.
[[underlined]] Thursday 9th.[[/underlined]] I painted all the morning on N. 104, got a Telegraph Dispatch from Mary saying she would be home to dine today, I was at the time reading an account of the great accumelation of ice below Haver degrass making it imposible to cross, but the ice gave way before she telegraphed. and I was surprised to see her at dinner time. The two Miss Tathams accompanied her, their Father came and took tea with us and at 9 oclock Mary went with them to Mr. Tathams They expect to leave for N. York tomorrow morning The ladies will sleep here tonight. Anna Peale went home before night being very tired. Eddy Patn. is here.
52°. calm e rain. 64°. calm n e clo, [[?]]. s w 55°. calm n e, clo 10.

Transcription Notes:
Haver degrass = Havre de Grace, Maryland