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sadly with our new feeling of kinship - the spirits touched, the great leveler of color filled us with radiance of the pink flesh of each of us - 
I look for Mr Johnson and Mrs Williams - nowhere can I find them - I go in the church that only a few hours before held to capacity all it could hold of body and spirit - the brown woodwork the white tin ceiling with the egg and darts painted yellow, the central circular space now empty except for microphones hanging in the center from the dome
I go to Mr Vivians office, we talk, he is exhausted his elegant frame still is held high - his spirit is intact but his body is tired
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He doesn't know about the Selma to Montgomery march, the courts will try to delay it they feel - he advises we return to Montgomery while a lot of people are going for we will be safer. We can stay in Selma but the people here are packed with visitors, he bids me farewell -
God be with you -

We go to the Parrish house for the organization is beginning on transport --
Canadians return 
Californians return 
Boston - here - 
Detroit - here - 
New York - here -  
etc - 
I suddenly see Dr Cox - we embrace - we talk of what a great day it has been - he is staying