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kept up redier section - one can sense the brooding fear and hate that exists. The terrible feeling of being an enemy by the glares we receive -
The stadium is deserted - we turn back to town - police slowly pass us taking the license numbers - counting the heads - radioing - glaring - we stop at a Methodist Church to get directions. 
The men in the car ahead get out - John gets out, the police slowly cruising by - I ask George to stay in the car even though it is hot for we are safer there -
off we go to Browns chapel to an experience I shall never forget as long as I can remember it -
We pass the Hotel Albert again - a copy of a Doges Palace - the place where
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Dr King was assaulted recently - we go down Broad Street and turn off to the right - we are suddenly in the negro section - we park - we walk - a young negro boy escorts us - down this dusty dirt road or street to a corner - we go through lines of police - not a word being said - close - very close we are to them - the unexagerrated hate that comes forth from 
them is staggering - they let us through, they spat - a double line of Troopers cars surround the area of Browns Chapel - 
Suddenly we are on Sylvan Street - we are here the crowds become thick - the low brick buildings, a low income housing development is the scene, the unpassed streets are