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with Rev. Reeb being a white minister has brought the nations conscience to act, isn't it a pity that white blood has to be spilled before this country will act.
The Eulogy is wonderful. What a speaker Dr King is, his fine mellow voice urging everyone on - 
As I stand here in this rain drenched run down muddy yard - and I look up to the roof of this Chapel - that needs a new roof - the two steeples are in disrepair, spindels are broken - paint is needed - but the spires against the sky - the beauty of Dr Kings voice - the heat, the people listening, priests - some in shirt sleeves, looking tired, nuns in muddy habits from sleeping in the streets and rain for three days, but everyone eye are alight
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with the spirit - one young man asleep in the shade, others listening - talking quietly
We go into a back room for a sandwich we haven't eaten all day - we have cool aid and cheese and spam sandwiches - no charge just donation's - I take an apple too -
There are young and old - black and whites coming in going - all smiling - all content on their mission - the hatred at the end of the block is locked out. It is extraordinary but nowhere do any of us find any temper, any dislike - but just plain brotherly love - 
I have never experienced this before - I cherish each minute of it - I have never seen so many smiling faces filled with radiance than this afternoon - the young