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the strange ritual unfold. 
The China berry tree, now is the China berry tree then and those in Gentian - the faces, the sky - the red clay - the mud - all time seems to have compressed - the years in between are on with then and now - the desires are here from then, the feelings of spin & are Coopers Creek with Leroy and Robert are now with this place, this chapel underneath a sky singing its heart out - For we are not afraid.
Mr Johnson sees me, comes over, we are to march - legally - the church at that moment explodes with applause as Dr King announces it. 
Then - we all sing we shall overcome-
we shall overcome
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we shall overcome some day - for deep in my heart I do believe that we shall overcome one day.
For we are not afraid
For we are not afraid
For we shall overcome one day -
Black and white together, 
Black and white together
For we shall overcome one day - 
For deep in my heart I do believe, that we shall overcome one day.

it is extraordinary - the entire place is in song -the Church, the streets, the houses, 4,000 people singing - all time has stopped - all hands are joined  - the experience is devastating - it forever shatters fear - distress- the wall of nonbelief is broken