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the sky now is so beautiful - no clouds - that late afternoon light before dusk, the linger of the days heat, I look to the left, through Troopers, through their curses, I see a street go down to the rivers edge, a wide sleepy street with low buildings - quiet - the Alabama river muddy sluggishly moving I imagine - my mind says what is the connection between the sky- these trees, this sordid cafe, that death, this place, this strangely beautiful action I am taking part of these troopers ready to club me if there is the slightest movement to left or right - 
I hear, I want that one yeah yeah can have one we'll
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take her, I'll smash her face good, which of us did they mean - the gauntlet had to be passed - the double line of destruction had to be passed - entered, encircled by - opened up again- the strance dance of march, the confrontation, the retreat, the push forward, the beginning or the end of a Reel - Silence prevails - we are now more in the downtown area - more whites - thin sullen men, slits of lips - slits for eyes - arms ready to grab, - arms holding things, arms aching to strangle to exorcise their guilt - their convinced position of Right - right to whim - right to destroy - right of their law - their right law - we are the evening - we