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White traitor nigger whites, the spit can lubricate a thousand fucks at this point, the curses can excite a thousand whores at this point of the march, the supremity of the slits can eradicate each of us at this point - I am suddenly aware of my head.  The only feature I have and I must admit I am wearing it rather well today - aloft- arrogant - curled gray locks of my grandmother and grandfather, I am wearing the gray, the grey, the badge of my courage. I am wearing my head in that arrogant manner of dignity - for this is my supreme moment to date, I may never know another, so I must let them know I am not afraid - I hear one
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Trooper say - I'd like to smash that gray haired white nigger - I'd show him to come down here and mix with these niggers - must be a communist.
- Then I have triumphed - I have marched over his hate. I have passed that outpost of the spirit - oh yes- but look ahead - there you can see another impasse - more raised clubs - can I pass that post -
We stop - the light is against us - we are in the middle of this impasse - the time is eternity - the mood is extreme - the tenseness - but if I relax I can pass over - I do -  we move - we move on and on for blocks 
We approach the final