Viewing page 6 of 65

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total from previous pages

[[strikethrough]] 18.60
                 90.56 [[/strikethrough]]


[[strikethrough]] 91.66 [[strikethrough]] total

[[strikethrough]] damn [[strikethrough]] Indian at Aramco canteen refused to give receipt

$ [[strikethrough]] 18.60 [[/strikethrough]] total this page
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[table of expenses]]
[[three columns - first column - number, second column - description, third column - amount]]
[[Vertical line separating third column]]
20. May 18 flying fish  .30
21. letter to Schultz May 19  .40
22. May 3 specimens  .45
23 May 6 U-48-41  .40
24 May 30 letter to Schultz  .40
25. June 5 2 films 8 1/2 R  2.55
26. birth certificate Mar 3 Kept by State Dept.  1.00
27. June 11, trip with fisherman 10 r.  3.00
28. "Sim" berry seed poison June 12 3 r.  1.00
29. taxi fare to Owali June 12  12 r.  3.60
30. gerrur " [[Ditto for: June 12]] 6 r.  1.50
31. June 17, letter to Schultz  .40
32. June 20, fish specimens 2 r. .60
33. June 26, 1 shirt  5 r.  1.50
34  " " [[Dittos for: June 26]]  letter to Schultz  .40
35 June 30 solder 16 gal. tank in Jidda 2 r. .60
36 July 4 fish picture Jidda 1 r. .30
37. July 6 fish picture Jidda 1 r.  .30
38. June 26 1 r. tip to cab driver  .30
39. July 12 Fishmarket 10 r. 3.00 [[strikethrough]] 1.80 [[/strikethrough]]

Transcription Notes:
I believe r. is an abbreviation for rupee.