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For Prize Contest    198 words
What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me.

We built a new house last year, this spring the walks were made and lawn leveled. It is almost impossible to get anything to grow in the new soil that is generally filled in. I sent to W. Atlee Burpee Co. for Phlox Drummondii. I decided to give it a try, although all last summer I could not get grass to grow.

I planted a row a few inches from the house, and as I am very busy, I gave it little or no care, and now, the latter part of July, it is a great pleasure and satisfaction to see such a bright, cheerful border as I have. The weather is very hot and dry, I do not have time to water and care for them, the ground is yellow and hard-baked, but those brave, bright, little starry faces bring a smile of pleasure to me every time I see them. At a little distance one would never guess the real condition of the soil. 

I think Phlox Drummondii is the busy woman's real delight. Try them by all means. Burpee's seeds never disappoint, vegetable or flower, for the peas, corn and celery gave equal satisfaction.

Mrs. Mary J. Park
Soudersburg, Pa.