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[[letterhead]] C. Mortimer Bezeau
12 Ellen St., East
Kitchner, Ontario
Canada [[/letterhead]]


Twenty years ago I planted a bed of several hundred asters grown from Burpee's seeds. When the plants were in bloom I sent a photo of the bed to the Canadian Horticulturist, and the next mail brought a request for an article describing the methods used to grow such remarkable asters. Writing that article for publication awakened within me a desire to write more; and I have made many thousands of dollars since that time writing on Floriculture and other subjects.
My remarkable success at many Fairs with flowers grown from Burpee's seeds, and my success with flowers and vegetables at our local Horticultural Exhibition awakened a desire on the part of my children to compete with me in growing flowers for exhibition purposes, and stimulated within them a desire to know more about plant life generally, and with the result that, without neglecting any of the sports so essential to youthful development, they spend a great deal of their time that is free from the restraint of school working in their gardens instead of roaming the streets; and reading up on plant life instead of reading trash; thus developing their mental, moral and physical well-being.

[[signature]] ^[[C. Mortimer Bezeau]] [[/signature]]