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[[ink-red]] [[underlined-twice]] What Burpees Seeds have done for me [[/ink]] [[/underlined]]

A perfect garden, to my mind is, a thing of beauty and a joy forever. For years, I have tried to achieve this result with indifferent success. Either my seeds failed to germinate or the young plants failed to survive transplanting despite careful attention. My success was so varied that I had just about decided to give up the idea. It was about this time that I happened to come across "Burpee's advertisement and, noting their remarks regarding their seeds, I sent a trial order. The results were all that any gardener could desire. My Zinnias, Asters, Phlox and Scabosio were the talk of all my friends. Being confined to a small garden it took some careful planning to get the desired effect but once the flowers began to bloom my ambition was realized. As a member of our local Horticultural Society I take great pleasure in viewing all the worth while gardens in our city and, it is my opinion and likewise that of my friends, that for a garden it's size, mine comes second to none. And, when I am asked to what I attribute my success most, I am pleased to remark "[[underlined]] Burpees Seeds [[/underlined]]"