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9 Several times during the past few years I have come to Tsanglinshien or Tsanglin with the intention of going in to Tseo-[[underline]]Jai[[/underline]]^[[Jia]]-Geo, but have been requested by the magistrate not to go. It would have been the same this time if I had tried to go in from Tsanglin instead of Kongshien. The altitude of Tsanglinshien, on the plain, is about 1200 feet. At the village of Tseo-Jia-Geo it is about 2300 feet. There are hills or mountains near Tseo-Jia-Geo that probably reach the altitude of 7000 or 8000 feet. Sept. 5. Labelled and filled box 429, dried insects from Tseo-Jia-Geo; also labelled box 430, dried insects. It rained most of the day, but we gathered a pint of tiny fishes and a few water insects. The collector Lai expects to spend most of the night collecting night insects. Sept. 6. For some strange reason the catch of night moths last night was small. It rained all last night and a couple of hours after daylight this morning. It rained again this afternoon. Very few insects were out. We travelled 80 li to Ngan Lin Chiao^[[2]]. We will go tomorrow to Li Duan Tsang, catching night moths tomorrow night. The country we are in just now is so similar to the vicinity of Suifu in altitude, kind of shrubbery, etc., that I think it best to get to Suifu as quickly as possible, cutting down expenses by dismissing the carrier coolies. We can work near Suifu without using coolies much of the time. At Suifu I can also view the collecting of fish specimens by watching the catches of the Suifu fishermen.