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Today I sent by parcel post 25 parcels to the American Express Co. at Shanghai to be forwarded to the Smithsonian Institution. I have several boxes of specimens on hand to be mailed later. 

Sept. 12. Filled and labelled box 432, insects in bottles. Also filled and labelled box no. 433, bird skeletons. I mailed the above two boxes by parcel post. 

Sept. 13. Filled and labelled: 
boxes no. 434, minnows. 
" " [[dittos for: boxes no.]] 435, insects.
" " [[dittos for: boxes no.]] 436, " [[ditto for: insects.]]
" " [[dittos for: boxes no.]] 437, " [[ditto for: insects.]]
These boxes have been mailed, making 123 boxes since I started for Mupin. 

Sept. 14. The netter Lai worked last night with a lantern to secure night moths, but the moon made the sky so bright that he did not secure many. This afternoon we went out netting, with meagre results. It is cloudy, cool, rainy weather. 

I purchased a live mammal on the street, [[underline]]mammal no. 309.[[/underline]]

Sept. 15. There is a full moon, and there is cool weather, with almost constant rain, so the results in insects are meagre. 

Sept. 16. Received word from the American Express Co. that the forty-five boxes of dried insects mailed from Yacho[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]^[[w]] have all been received and forwarded to the United States. This is good news. 

Today I fixed up a room for taking anthropometrical measurements. I expect to get busy [[strikethrough]]tday[[/strikethrough]] taking measurements soon.