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Oct. 11. The netter has been using the lantern almost every night. We are securing large fish. We saw another large red fish like that secured October 3rd. This fish is shaped like that one, but is even redder. I suspect that they are carps. However, they do not resemble the picture of a carp in Webster's Dictionary.

I have been having the carpenter make a great many boxes for future use. Lumber has increased in price about fifty per cent, and carpenters' wages have increased since last spring. 

Yang Fong Tsang is overdue. I have sent a letter to Kongshien. A messenger will be sent in from Kongshien to hurry him up.

We have been securing fish nearly every day.  I am watching for the very long-nosed fish. There are salamanders, but I think I have sent in plenty of them.

Word from the American Express Co. says that my entire summer's catch, excepting things sent after my trip south of Suifu, has reached Shanghai and has been forwarded by the American Express Co. to New York. I will be very glad to hear about the summer's collection when it reaches the U.S.A.

The films I exposed last summer have been returned. Some important pictures have turned out fine. I will forward the films soon.

Oct. 12. Yang Fong Tsang has arrived. He has been very sick, and has not a large catch. I am sending him to the hospital for treatment, for he must be well before going on the Mupin trip. He has a few snakes and a few insects.