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I had rather poor luck skinning two of the ducks. The head of the male broke off, and the female did not shape up very well.

I purchased enough cheap cloth to last for several months, or possibly until I go home on furlough. It is used in wrapping fish. Filled box No. 456, a small box containing the skeleton of mammal No. 314. 

Nov. 9. Purchased an owl, one less common than the owl that stays here all the year and hoots evenings and mornings. 

Nov. 10. Purchased some fish. 

Filled boxes no. 457, insects, bones; 458, fish; and 459, fish. The bird and mammal skins will fill boxes 460, and 461, and insects will fill box no. 462. There are fish and turtles that will not be sufficiently pickled by Nov. 14, the end of the second year that I have been collecting since my last furlough.

Nov. 11. Filled box no. 460, birdskins. 461, insects. Sent all the boxes already filled to the postoffice.

Went hunting and secured five birds. 

Nov. 12. Filled box 462, rabbit skin and birdskin, and 463, bird skeleton.

The rabbit skin was on a plank, and I put it on the stove to hasten the drying of the rabbit skin. The top of the board was not scorched at all, but the stomach of the rabbit skin is badly scorched. Labelled box 464. This makes a total of exactly 250 boxes of specimens filled and forwarded this year, the record year so far. This box is full of birdskins.

I have mailed by parcel post all the boxes mentioned above excepting box No. 450.

I purchased several fish. The fishermen were hard up for money, so I purchased one large fish at two-thirds the ordinary price. Fish are probably