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December 15, 1976 AIRMAIL Dr. Mohammad Zafar Geological Survey of India Meghnagar, Dist. Jhabja, (M.P.) India Dear Dr. Zafar, Thank you for your kind letter of Nov. 20. Unfortunately there is little I can do at this late date, and I could definitely not write a research proposal for you - that is in, or hopefully, by now off your hands. I presume you have the Smithsonian materials and instructions from which you can see what the individual research interests are. So, please, send your application including a project(s) you wish to work on and who are your first and second choice for "advisor" here. However, I must warn you that the competition for the one or two positions (shared with "Sedimentalogy") is extremely hard. I'm not on the selecting committee and can't judge your chances, but, please, do not take it personal should your application be denied; it means only that someone has come up with a project which more closely fits the current interest of the Institution and the Department. With best personal regards and wishes for happy and successful 1977. Sincerely yours, Kurt Fredriksson Geochemist Division of Meteorites KF/ks