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September 25, 1973


Professor P. S. Goel
Chemistry Department
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur 16, U.P., India

Dear Prof. Goel:

I was glad to hear about your interest in the Forest Vale chondrite.  We have found that not only carbon but also some volatile metals eg Zn, Pb seem to be enriched in an elusive "matrix (low temperature?) material".  There seems to be good reason to believe that nitrogen and fluorine may follow this pattern also. We have found that to be the case in at least one other H-chrondrite and two L-group.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that we cannot supply 10 grams of Forest Vale; we have only approximately 200 grams in three pieces, the largest of which may have been cut with oil and thus unsuitable for your work.  May I suggest that you request a sample (clean!) from the Australian Museum in Sydney, which has the main mass.

I shall be looking forward to learning more about your results on the sieved samples and again regret not being able to help.

Sincerely yours,

Kurt Fredriksson
Division of Meteorites

cc: R.S. Clarke, Jr.
Division of Meteorites