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well. I have worked very hard & enjoyed it all enormously": on Christmas day sees Oryx & shoots two:  Masai Country "the promised land", meets Sir F.J. Jackson, Lt. Governor; meets Van de Weye "looking like a freak escaped from Barnum's". "also J. Elkington whom I have not seen since I left Eton", etc. etc.  At end of this journal is list of animals killed.  The journal beginning Dec 20.  Arrives in Kilindini Harbour met by McBride from B.E.A.C. dined at Club. "C. & self fit though glad to get off boat", train to Nairobi see game from train.  Infant Ward, van de Weye, Bates, Delamere, Elkington, Fitzgerald (in the Blues & just in off Safari), German friends, etc. uses his "new maulicher to shoot Grants, Oryx, Wildebeest, Zebra, francolins ("for the pot"), porter mauled by lioness, wounds dressed.  "The wounded porter is a swell under the circumstances".  This journal is equally vivid & full of descriptions of game seen & game killed & at end is similar list of animals, i.e. has "shot 39 different varieties of beasts in the 2 Trips" etc. [[underline]] Both journals bound in buckram over boards, one with marbled sides, ^[[worn.]] [[/underline]]
These 2 graphic Journals - ^[[£450.00 net]]

(Kermit was Theodore Roosevelt's Son).