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oryx or Sable which he had been after. Splendid air after Mombassa. Feel quite different. Quite Cool, about 6,000 feet up.
[[underlined]] Nov 1. [[/underlined]]
Still climbing up about 7,000 ft up now. Expect get to our destination about 1:30. Passed Njoro, where farms look most flourishing. Lovely Country, rather like S.A. Arrived Samburu 1:30. Saw no game on the way up after Nakuru. Found the Safari [[insertion]] at [[/insertion]] [[Lumbasa?]]. Packed up into loads leaving a certain amount of food at station. Actual safari consists of [[strikethrough]] 27 [[/strikethrough]] 31 including 1 Gun bearer apiece 1 boy between us, 1 cook, 1 headman & 3 askaris ^[[insertion]] 1 saice & 2 mules [[/insertion]]. but the porters also employ boys to carry their personal belongings - so we march with a safari of 62. [[strikethrough]] Did [[/strikethrough]] Started about 2.15 And did about 7 miles climbing most of the way till we were over 8,000 ft up. Camped about 5 P.M. Rained steadily from 4 to 5 Lovely Country. Great hills & valleys. Grass up to ones waist but a good path to walk on. Wooded slightly in the valleys. Saw no game at all & no tracks. Dined about 6.30 off sausages & bacon & so to bed. Lovely temperature but as there was no sun, that

Transcription Notes: / Nioro is in either Mali or Senegal. Njoro is in Kenya. see / was he in Kenya or Nigeria at this point? Am not sure. If it helps previous pages mentions "Samburu" which is in north central Kenya. So I think you may be correct in using "Njoro"