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we had killed a big Bull Elephant. Shall never forget sensation of first sight of elephant at close quarters. we got to within about 50 yards of a herd of about 12 in a small clearing  in the forest. There were 2 good bulls but we had previously decided to both fire at the same. So we selected the biggest. I fired & Meat's right barrel missed fire. The Elephant spun round in a circle and Meat gave him his left Barrel in the shoulder. My gun bearer in his excitement fired my .375 also. Meanwhile a cow elephant about 40 yards to our right had got our wind and came straight for us crashing through the trees so we had to break in all directions & run for it. Fortunately she lost our wind & stopped before she saw us. meanwhile our bull had fallen, but 2 cows got one on each side & raised him and they had staggered off after the rest of he herd. He had been pouring with blood from the lungs & was easy to follow and we came on him stone dead about 400 yards from where he had been hit. We estimate the tusks at about 150 lbs the pair. Great luck. The natives set to and begin to carve him up & presently our porters arrive and they swarm all over him & go staggering off with enormous hunks of raw and bleeding meat on their heads. Ineat & I sit by the