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we separated about 11.30 when I shot a Reed Buck & on getting back to camp killed a monkey. I bowled over a good water Buck running but he recovered before I could get to him & staggered off and I failed to find him. While running to cut across his probable line a Topi came in sight with some waterbuck cows and I got him high up fortunately breaking his spine. Got back to camp about 2.30 pm
L. and I went out about 3.30 to try & get a hippo. We found any number of quite fresh tracks & waited by a likely pool on the Riana R. till 5.45 but did not see one. L saw oribi and I a small bush buck cow as well as the other game. We saw any number of fresh Hippo tracks & old Elephant tracks also a fresh Buffalo track.
Have a delightful camp & there seems a probability of getting some more game. No news of the Elephants. Customary thunder storm, but not so much rain as usual.
[[underlined]] Nov 15. [[/underlined]]
Left camp at 6.15 am. treked to a little hill near where we saw the game yesterday. We separated there Lowther taking the [[strikethrough]] East si [[/strikethrough]] west side & I the East.