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[[underlined]] 28. [[/underlined]]
infinite trouble & patience I got within shot at 4.30 (3 hours and a quarter stalk) and hit a good big stalion a little far back. He went a hundred yards & lay down but his companions kicked him up & after collapsing several times he fell dead about a quarter of a mile away. I got back to camp at 6.30 & my game bearer & porters with the skin about 7.15. A long day & a lot of hard work. L. had been out in the afternoon & killed a Topi. He is a bit better but not fit yet.
[[underlined]] Dec 4. [[/underlined]]
Wrote letters & did various odd jobs till 11 am. when I started out. Came across L who had shot a Topi and a stray Roan. The latter was a bit of luck as they are practically unknown here. I was in search of Kongoni but I was a long time finding any. I eventually came across a large herd, but on trying to stalk them found they were absolutely unapproachable. I walked after them till I got within 500 yards when I sat down and fired with the telescopic sight & made a lucky shot, killing one stone dead. He had a bad head which I did not keep, got back to camp about 5.30. L has got another chill he says, though I suspect fever. He is quite seedy.