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out to shoot about 1.30 but had to give it up in a terrible downpour & came in without having a shot. L arrived soon after in same state. No game but lots of wet.
[[underlined]] Dec 11. [[/underlined]]
Marched to Campia Moto about 3/4 of an hour, arrived at 6.30. Encamped on the Rongai River close by a farm owned by a Mr. London. Went & made his acquaintance and discovered he had a herd of Eland on his property. He had seen a lion also yesterday. Appears to be a great sportsman & shot no end of lions & leopards.
Went out about 8, but could see nothing of the Eland. London had killed one yesterday, a cow & they have evidently moved some little way. Saw any amount of Zebra, also Kongoni & pig (wart hogs). L shot a Chandler's Reed buck, unfortunately a doe. We also Each had a shot at another galloping, but failed to get them, though we Each hit them. Got back about 2 Pm. Am going out at 4 Pm if fine enough to try and get an Impala. Very hot sun this morning a lot of rain all round, but we have got off cheap so far.
Went out from 4 to 6.30 (dark), got within 25 yards of

Transcription Notes:
Campia Moto could be a misspelling of Kampi Ya Moto, in the Rongai region of the Kenyan Rift Valley.