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Some impala, but there were no rams amongst them. A little further off were some others with a party of Zebra & some pigs. As I was watching them 3 bull Eland appeared beyond. Immediately gave my attention to them but my stalk was spoiled by the Zebras and they went off without my getting a shot. I failed also afterwards to get near the impala & I got in about 6.30 soaked to the skin.

[[underlined]] Dec 12. [[/underlined]]
I went off with London at 6.30 to look for the Eland herd and I went to the place I had found the impala, Eland etc last night. I again got quite close to the impala but could see [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] nothing shootable till a native going to get fire wood or something alarmed them and they went off. I got fairly close 2 or 3 times but not near enough for a shot & hunted all the ground between the Molo & Rongai Rivers. I found any amount of Zebra & some kongoni but no signs of the 3 Eland I saw last night. I shot a good big warthog, but his tuskes were small and I did not bring them away. Got back to camp at 1. in time to avoid an awful downpour. Shall go out again presently in search of the impala. L is not in yet.