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Any amount of Zebra & kongoni which I dont want & lot of pig with no good tuskers. Got back about 4.15 - a long hard day & the last of our joint trip. Bad luck has held to the End. The majority of people get 10 times the amount I have got with ten times less work. I hear the lion cubs were seen on the main road quite close to where we were looking about the same time. This evening L's gun bearer who had been to look for his telescope sight he had left behind yesterday, saw 4 leopards close to camp on the ground I traversed this morning. So it is not decreed for me to get a chance. However luck may change when I commence a new safari the end of this week.

[[underlined]] Dec 14. [[/underlined]]
Marched at 5.45, arrived at Nakuru about noon. About 1/2 an hour after leaving camp we got a view of some Eland and went after them, but our Safari to whom we had given orders to keep 1/2 a mile behind & not make a noise, came rushing along making the deuce of a kelali[[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]] & started the Eland off before we could get a shot. We went after them 2 or 3 miles, but had to give it up.

We spent the day at Nakuru, sorted our various