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belongings, repacked the ammunition etc & got on the train about 9.30 P.m. I left 2/3 [[superscript]] rds [[/superscript]] of the safari there to await me, the rest going with us to Nairobi.

[[underlined]] Dec 15. [[/underlined]]
Arrived Nairobi about noon. Saw the Cranworths at the station who asked us to dine tomorrow. Went up to the Norfolk Hotel. Saw Gifford just starting off on a trip to hunt lions. He & Hugh Grosvenor & Somers had done very well in their month's Safari. Met Van de Weger looking like a freak Escaped from Barnum's also J. Elkington whom I have not seen since I left Eton. Made the acquaintance of Delamere & several people, amongst them Clutterback whom we had seen at Kizii & on whose farm we had shot at Molo.

Quite strange to be in Civilization again, in a house with beds with sheets. I find I shant be able to get away before Saturday, so I shall start my Safari on Sunday from [[strikethrough]] [[Lumbara?]] [[/strikethrough]] Nakuru. Have ordered some clothes & done various odds & ends. Got 2 mails yesterday - good.
[[strikethrough]] Dec 16 [[/strikethrough]]