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in the right place. I then got sight of the other three, amongst them a bigger bull. I gave him one, but must have hit him low down, they made off but I popped a solid bullet into his ribs as he went. I went in pursuit, the wounded bull separated from the others & went into the bush. I presently found him lying down but he saw me & made off and I could not find him in the bush. I unfonately had no more soft nosed bullets with me or the 2 [[superscript]] nd [[/superscript]] one would have finished him. As it was he could not live long and I am sorry for him as well as loosing a good head. The first one was dead.
No game here where we are encamped. It is a Masai reserve and their cattle are every where. I hope it will be warmer tonight, I could not sleep for the cold last night.
[[underlined]] Dec 22. [[/underlined]] 
An awfully cold wet morning. Marched from 5:45 to 12:30 & encamped on the edge of the forest. Saw nothing but a few kongoni. Went out at 2 to [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] try and drive a herd of kongoni that were in an unapproachable position, but they were not taking any. I then tried the forest for a monkey or bush buck, but found nothing. Back at 5:30. As I write, a lion is making kelali quite close