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one cannot see far. The grass is pracitcally nil & the ground very rough & stony.  I had a bit of lunch & went out to see what I could find.  I waded across the river & stalked a water buck & knocked him over dead.  As I was going up to him, I saw another good bull standing behind a bush watching ^[[insertion]] 200 yds off [[/insertion]].  I could only see his head, but I slipped on the telescope & judging where his body was, let go.  I hit him somewhere near the shoulder & he staggered & went off.  After paying the usual rites to the first one we went after the 2[[superscript]] nd [[/superscript]].  He was terribly hard to spoor on the hard dry ground and he only dropped blood at the spots he had stood still.  We followed him over a mile but could not get up to him though we twice caught glimpses of him.  Being only able to see a short way makes it very difficult.  I have now fired at 4 water buck & knocked 3 over & have only got one.  I saw a few impala cows but no other game.  As I was coming back through a bit of thick thorn bush I heard suddenly a rumble & growl quite close.  Not being very quick at discerning noises, I thought it was a R^[[insertion]] h [[/insertion]]ino & jumped aback to get my big gun.